The Story

Kimberly Farrally, Owner and Founder of LIJAH K. Christian JewelryHey, I'm Kimberly and opened my online fashion boutique in December 2016 as a way to support my family because I was the sole provider for our family and I was separating from Active Duty Air Force.

It was a definite leap of faith to invest in this in hopes it would help some while I waited for a civilian job.  It proved to be a blast and my new found love and dream!  It grew quickly and took over our mortgage payment with some extra play money.

Initially, I feared bringing religion into my business but my business coach encouraged us that we needed to be ourselves and we would attract our tribe.

So I did....I started making devotional posts and it turned out that so many people were messaging me thanking me for these posts because it motivated them to reopen their Bibles again.

It's amazing to see how God works!

Well, I began overworking myself...pushing for new and bigger goals.

I added in a faith-based YouTube channel, started doing Book Club lives and Bible Reading Lives.  I had so much on my plate!

I had so much on my plate...something had to give and that's when my boutique experienced its "falling" and could no longer support my family. We were near bankruptcy with the bank threatening to foreclose or short-sale the house.

Between my plate being full and my mental state...something had to go to make room on my plate. I choose the most time-consuming YouTube channel where I felt like I was fulfilling a childhood dream.

As a child I wanted to grow up to become a missionary! I found a young couple who called themselves Internet Missionaries and I just loved that so much! And, I dropped it.

Then, my viewer count for my Bible Readings and Book Club dropped. So, I dropped that.

Then I realized...I had dropped everything that was FOCUSED on God. Purely on Him.

As I was researching and pursuing our my new Denim Brand...something caught my eye. Then, pulled at my heart. And then the Holy Spirit whispered to me.

The concept of LIJAH K. was born and I pursued this alongside our denim brand. I'm really excited to have something that is FOCUSED on GOD and giving HIM all the glory again!

I am also a VENDOR and a BRAND! So you will see all sorts of other retailers adding our line to their boutiques! I'm super stoked about this and the thought that maybe, just maybe...we'll be reaching people all over this country with God's Word!



One of my boutique's is named after my two oldest kids. My youngest is Elijah and asked where his name was.  Well, my middle child calls him Lijah because it's easier.  So when I needed a name for this venture, I wanted to use my youngest's name since I made a promise to him.